Cars of this modern era are equipped with numerous lights and indicators on the dashboard, each conveying essential information about the vehicle’s condition. One such critical indicator is the Maintenance Required Light in your Toyota Corolla.

Before diving into the steps to reset this light, it’s vital to understand what it is. The Maintenance Required Light, also known as the service indicator light, is a car’s way of notifying the owner that the vehicle has traveled a certain number of miles and is due for regular maintenance. In Toyota Corolla, this typically happens after around 4,500 to 5,000 miles.

Remember, the light doesn’t indicate a car breakdown. It’s not an emergency warning but a gentle reminder that it’s time for routine check-up. The components to be checked can vary from oil levels, brake fluids, tire pressure to other routine maintenance tasks.

The Tools and Equipment You Will Need

To reset the Maintenance Required Light, you won’t need any tools or special equipment. However, to make the process as smooth as possible, there are a few things you should have:

  • Your car keys;
  • The car’s user manual – in case any switch or button isn’t where this guide mentions;
  • A note of the car’s current mileage. This is good practice because it helps you keep track of when your car will need its next service.

An Easy and Comprehensive Step-by-Step Process to Reset the Maintenance Required Light

Car interior with mileage, RPM, and fuel level gauges, and text 'Resetting maintenance data' in the center

Let’s delve into the steps to reset the Maintenance Required Light on most Toyota Corolla models. These instructions have been broken down into small, manageable steps to make the process simple and hassle-free.

Step NumberTitleDescription
Step 1Positioning the KeyEnsure that your vehicle is off. Then, insert your car key into the ignition. Do not turn the key; just let it sit in the “Off” position.
Step 2Locating and Holding the Trip Meter Reset KnobLocate the trip meter reset knob. It should be on the dashboard, right next to the speedometer. Press and hold it down.
Step 3Engaging the Ignition to the “On” PositionWhile holding down the trip meter reset knob, turn the key in the ignition to the “On” position. Do not start the engine.
Step 4Navigating to “Trip A”Once the car’s electrical system is on, the display will be active. Hold down the trip meter reset knob until the odometer shows “Trip A”.
Step 5Turning the Ignition Back to “Off”With the odometer now showing “Trip A”, turn your car’s ignition back to the “Off” position. Keep holding the trip meter reset knob.
Step 6Ignition to the “On” Position AgainTurn the ignition key back to the “On” position. The car’s engine should still remain off.
Step 7Resetting the LightContinue to hold down the trip meter reset knob until the Maintenance Required Light turns off. The odometer will display “000000”.
Step 8Releasing the Trip Meter Reset Knob and Starting the EngineOnce the light has been reset, you can release the trip meter reset knob and start your car. The Maintenance Required Light should stay off.

An Engaging Video Tutorial for Visual Guidance

Written instructions can sometimes be a bit complex to follow. For this reason, a video tutorial can be a practical tool, guiding you through each step visually and in real-time.

Here’s a useful video tutorial on resetting the Maintenance Required Light in a Toyota Corolla:


resetting the Maintenance Required Light on a Toyota Corolla is a straightforward task that you can perform yourself. The light serves a crucial purpose in reminding you to adhere to your car’s maintenance schedule. Always take it as a signal to address the routine maintenance needs of your vehicle promptly for its optimal performance and longevity. By following the steps outlined in this detailed guide and using the accompanying video for visual aid, you can comfortably reset this light in your Toyota Corolla.


How do you reset the maintenance required light on a 2010 Toyota Corolla?

The resetting process for the maintenance required light on a 2010 Toyota Corolla is the same as the general steps provided above. The light should illuminate every time your car has covered a distance of approximately 5,000 miles. Once you have serviced your car, you can follow the aforementioned procedure to reset it.

Can I keep driving my Toyota Corolla if the maintenance required light is on?

While it’s not harmful to drive your Corolla with the maintenance light on, it’s not recommended. This light serves as a reminder for you to perform routine maintenance on your vehicle. Ignoring it for too long may lead to issues due to wear and tear, which could ultimately affect your vehicle’s performance and longevity.

Does the maintenance required light automatically imply an oil change is due?

The maintenance required light serves as a general reminder for all routine maintenance tasks. This includes oil changes, but is not limited to them. Other tasks could be brake inspections, tire rotations, or fluid checks.

If the light doesn’t turn off, does that mean the reset didn’t work?

If you have followed all the steps correctly, and the light is still on, it might indicate an underlying issue that needs professional attention. It would be wise to schedule a service appointment to ensure there’s no significant problem causing the light to stay on.